Dental Bridges: A Comprehensive Guide to Filling the Gap in Your Smile

by Dental Spa of Texas
June 15, 2023
Dental Bridges: A Comprehensive Guide to Filling the Gap in Your Smile

Dental bridges are an effective way to fill the gap left by a missing tooth. In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through the types of dental bridges available, the procedure for getting one, their benefits and potential drawbacks, as well as alternative options and how to properly care for your dental bridge. Learn everything you need to know about dental bridges so you can make an informed decision for your dental health.

What are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are a versatile and effective dental restoration option that helps replace one or more missing teeth. As a dentist at Dental Spa of Texas, I often recommend dental bridges to my patients who face the consequences of tooth loss, such as difficulty chewing, speaking, and maintaining their overall oral health. A dental bridge is a custom-made prosthetic appliance comprising one or more artificial teeth, called pontics, which are held in place by dental crowns anchored to the adjacent teeth, also known as abutment teeth. The primary purpose of dental bridges is to fill the gaps left by missing teeth, offering patients a fully functional and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Types of Dental Bridges

Depending on an individual’s specific dental needs and preferences, there are four main types of dental bridges to choose from. Each type of bridge has its own set of advantages and limitations, which we will discuss to ensure you make the best possible decision for your dental health.

Traditional Bridges

Traditional bridges are the most common type of dental bridges and are suitable for patients with healthy and strong natural teeth on both sides of the gap left by their missing teeth. These bridges consist of one or more pontics, which are held in place by dental crowns cemented to the adjacent abutment teeth. Traditional bridges are a popular choice because they provide both functional and aesthetic benefits, as they are made from various materials like porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, or ceramic, ensuring a natural-looking result.

Cantilever Bridges

Cantilever bridges are similar to traditional bridges in that they rely on an abutment tooth for support. However, cantilever bridges require only one adjacent tooth on one side of the gap, making them a viable option for patients who have only one suitable abutment tooth. While these bridges are not as common as traditional bridges, they may be suitable for situations where the gap is located at the back of the mouth, where the forces and stress exerted during chewing and biting are limited. It is essential to note that cantilever bridges are generally not recommended for the back of the mouth due to their inability to sustain higher biting forces.

Maryland Bridges

Maryland bridges, also known as resin-bonded bridges, offer a less invasive alternative to traditional bridges. These bridges involve the use of metal or porcelain wings bonded to the back of the artificial tooth (or teeth), which are then cemented onto the adjacent natural teeth. Unlike traditional bridges, Maryland bridges do not require the preparation and reshaping of the neighboring teeth, making them an attractive option for patients who wish to preserve their natural tooth structure. However, Maryland bridges may be less stable than traditional bridges or cantilevers, and the durability of their bond can be affected by the eating habits.

Implant-Supported Bridges

Implant-supported bridges are an innovative and increasingly popular method for replacing missing teeth. Instead of relying on neighboring teeth for support, implant-supported bridges use dental implants for anchoring. Typically, one implant is placed for each missing tooth, and these implants hold the bridge in place without affecting the surrounding healthy teeth. Implant-supported bridges provide numerous advantages, such as enhanced stability, improved comfort, and the preservation of jawbone health. However, they also require a longer treatment period and a more complex surgical procedure, as patients must undergo dental implant surgery before the placement of the bridge.

The Procedure for Getting a Dental Bridge

Consultation and Treatment Planning

The first step in getting a dental bridge is to schedule a consultation with your dentist, where we will evaluate your oral health, discuss your options, and determine if a dental bridge is the best solution for you. During this consultation, we will review your medical and dental history, perform a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and bite, and may take necessary X-rays or impressions of your teeth. Based on this comprehensive evaluation, we will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and preferences.


Once we have decided that a dental bridge is the right choice for you, the next step is the preparation of the teeth that will support the bridge. These teeth, also known as abutment teeth, will anchor the bridge in place. To prepare the abutment teeth, I will remove a small portion of enamel from each tooth to allow room for the dental crowns that will be placed over them. After the teeth have been prepared, I will take an impression of the area, which will be sent to a dental laboratory to create your custom dental bridge.

During this time, I may provide you with a temporary bridge to wear, protecting the teeth and gums while your permanent bridge is being fabricated. The temporary bridge will also help maintain the space and minimize any movement or shifting of the teeth.

Bridge Fabrication

The fabrication process for your dental bridge usually takes about two to three weeks. The dental laboratory will use the impressions taken during your preparation appointment to create a custom bridge that matches the shade, shape, and size of your natural teeth. The dental bridge will be made of high-quality materials such as porcelain, ceramic, zirconia, or metal alloys, depending on your individual needs and preferences.

Bridge Placement

Once your custom dental bridge has been fabricated, you will return to our office for the bridge placement appointment. During this visit, I will carefully check the fit, bite, and appearance of the bridge, making any necessary adjustments before cementing it in place. Once your dental bridge is properly positioned, the dental crowns will be bonded to the prepared abutment teeth, providing a secure and long-lasting solution to your missing tooth problem.

Benefits of Dental Bridges

Restored Functionality

One of the primary benefits of dental bridges is the restoration of functionality to your mouth. Missing teeth can make it difficult to chew, speak, and eat comfortably. A dental bridge fills in the gap left by a missing tooth, enabling you to speak and chew with ease again. By restoring proper function, you can also enjoy an improved diet and overall quality of life.

Improved Appearance

Missing teeth can negatively impact your appearance, leading to self-consciousness and embarrassment. A dental bridge fills in the gap left by a missing tooth, improving the appearance of your smile and boosting your self-confidence. By choosing materials that closely match the color and translucency of your natural teeth, your dental bridge will blend seamlessly with your surrounding teeth for a natural, attractive appearance.

Prevention of Further Damage

When a tooth is lost, the surrounding teeth may gradually shift into the empty space, leading to misalignment and bite problems. Over time, these issues can cause additional tooth damage, gum disease, and even bone loss. By filling the gap left by a missing tooth with a dental bridge, you can help prevent the negative consequences of tooth loss and maintain a healthy, stable smile.

In conclusion, dental bridges are a practical solution for replacing missing teeth, offering numerous benefits to patients dealing with the adverse effects of tooth loss. By investing in a dental bridge, you can enjoy restored functionality, an improved appearance, and the prevention of further dental damage, all while maintaining the beauty and integrity of your smile.

Potential Drawbacks and Risks

While dental bridges offer numerous benefits, there are certain risks and drawbacks associated with them that should be considered before moving forward with this option.

Initial Discomfort

Immediately following the placement of a dental bridge, some people may experience discomfort, sensitivity, or mild pain in and around the area where the bridge has been placed. This is typically a temporary issue and usually subsides within a few days or weeks once the mouth has had time to adjust to the new structure. If the discomfort persists or becomes severe, it’s essential to consult with your dentist to ensure there are no complications.

Aesthetic Concerns

The appearance of dental bridges may not be as natural-looking as the original teeth or other replacement options like dental implants. The color, shape, and size of the bridge may differ slightly from your natural teeth, which can be noticeable to some people. Additionally, if you plan on whitening your teeth, it’s important to remember that dental bridges will not respond in the same way as your natural teeth, potentially creating an uneven appearance.

Maintenance Requirements

Dental bridges require regular maintenance to ensure they remain functional and in good condition. This includes practicing good oral hygiene, attending routine dental check-ups, and maintaining the health of the surrounding teeth and gums. In some cases, a dental bridge may need to be repaired or replaced if it becomes damaged or if the adjacent teeth become compromised.

Alternatives to Dental Bridges

Although dental bridges are a popular solution for replacing missing teeth, there are alternative options to consider. Each choice comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so it is crucial to discuss these options with your dentist to determine the most suitable treatment plan for your needs.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent and durable solution for missing teeth. The implant consists of a titanium post that integrates with the jawbone, mimicking a natural tooth root. After the integration process, a dental crown is placed on the implant, offering a more natural appearance and feel than a dental bridge. Dental implants can replace one or several missing teeth and do not require the adjacent teeth to be altered or shaped.

Advantages of dental implants include:

  • Better aesthetics, as the implant and crown closely resemble natural teeth.
  • A stable and secure structure that supports the jawbone.
  • Preservation of the adjacent teeth, as they are not altered or shaped for the procedure.

However, dental implants require surgery, have a longer healing period, and often involve a higher initial cost compared to dental bridges.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are removable devices that consist of artificial teeth attached to a gum-colored plastic base. They are held in place with metal clasps or other attachments to the surrounding teeth. Partial dentures are a less invasive option for replacing missing teeth compared to dental bridges or implants.

Some advantages of partial dentures include:

  • Lower initial cost compared to both dental bridges and implants.
  • Less invasive procedure, as the surrounding teeth are not altered or shaped.
  • A relatively quick and easy solution for tooth replacement.

However, partial dentures also come with their own set of drawbacks:

  • Less stable than dental bridges or implants, which can lead to chewing and speech difficulties.
  • The need for regular adjustments or replacements as the shape of the mouth changes over time.
  • Aesthetic concerns, as the clasps or attachments may be visible when speaking or smiling.

In conclusion, dental bridges, dental implants, and partial dentures are all viable options for replacing missing teeth. The most suitable choice depends on individual oral health conditions, budget, and personal preferences. It’s essential to discuss these options with your dentist to better understand what is best for you and your smile.

How to Care for Your Dental Bridge

Dental bridges are an effective solution for replacing missing teeth, but to ensure the longevity and optimal functioning of your dental bridge, proper care and maintenance are essential. Here are some tips to help you keep your dental bridge in top condition:

Oral Hygiene and Regular Dental Check-ups

Good oral hygiene, including daily brushing and flossing, is crucial for maintaining the health of the teeth supporting your dental bridge. Be sure to clean under and around the bridge, as plaque and food debris can accumulate in these areas. Using interdental brushes or water flossers can further aid in cleaning hard-to-reach areas around the bridge.

In addition to at-home care, regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential for detecting and addressing any potential issues early on. Your dentist will thoroughly examine your bridge and supporting teeth, ensuring they remain healthy and secure.

Diet Considerations

Certain foods can either prolong the life of your dental bridge or cause damage to it. Ideally, you should aim to maintain a diet that is low in sugar and high in nutrients. Sugar contributes to tooth decay, which can compromise the supporting teeth and ultimately reduce the lifespan of your dental bridge.

Additionally, avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods, as they may strain or damage the bridge. Instead, opt for softer foods that are gentle on your bridge, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains that are cooked or cut into smaller pieces.

Maintenance of the Adjacent Teeth

Protecting the health of the teeth adjacent to your dental bridge is crucial for its longevity and effectiveness. These neighboring teeth serve as foundation for your bridge, so their health directly impacts the performance of the dental bridge. To care for the supporting teeth, practice good oral hygiene, maintain a healthy diet, and regularly visit your dentist for check-ups and professional cleanings.


Taking care of your dental bridge is an essential aspect of maintaining your overall oral health, preventing tooth decay, and ensuring the longevity of your dental prosthetic. By practicing good oral hygiene, making necessary dietary adjustments, and visiting your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings, you can optimize the performance and lifespan of your dental bridge.

At Dental Spa of Texas, our team is dedicated to providing the best dental care for our patients in Frisco, Carrollton, Plano, Little Elm, Allen, Addison, Hebron, Lewisville, Farmers Branch, Prosper, The Colony, Dallas, and Garland. We offer a wide range of services, including dental crowns, to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

So, what are you waiting for? Reach out to us today and let us help you find the best solution for your dental needs. Don’t let damaged teeth hold you back any longer – take the first step toward a healthier, more confident smile by contacting us at Dental Spa of Texas.

About Dr. Linh Nguyen and Dental Spa of Texas

Dr. Linh Nguyen is a highly trained dentist who earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Washington School of Dentistry. His practice, Dental Spa of Texas, offers various services, including dental implants, fillings, teeth extraction, root canals, crowns, cleanings, and more. Dr. Nguyen is committed to providing exceptional dental care to patients in Frisco, Carrollton, Plano, Little Elm, Allen, Addison, Hebron, Lewisville, Farmers Branch, Prosper, The Colony, Dallas, Garland, and DFW areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How long do dental bridges last?

A1: While the lifespan of a dental bridge varies, with proper care and maintenance, they can typically last for 10-15 years. Factors that can impact the longevity of your bridge include oral hygiene, diet, and the overall health of the supporting teeth.

Q2: How much do dental bridges cost?

A2: The cost of dental bridges can vary depending on the type, materials used, and the location of the dental office. On average, dental bridges can range from $500 to $1,500 per replacement tooth. It’s essential to consult with your dentist for a precise estimation of the cost.

Q3: What happens if I don’t replace my missing teeth?

A3: Failure to replace missing teeth can result in several issues, including shifting of neighboring teeth, bite misalignment, jawbone deterioration, difficulty chewing and speaking, and a less aesthetically pleasing smile.

Q4: Are dental bridges covered by insurance?

A4: Dental insurance policies typically cover a portion of the cost of dental bridges. However, the coverage amount can vary depending on the insurance provider and the specific policy. Be sure to check with your insurance company to confirm coverage details.

Q5: Can dental bridges be whitened?

A5: Dental bridges cannot be whitened, as the prosthetic teeth are made from materials that do not respond to tooth whitening treatments. To maintain a consistent smile, consider having your teeth whitened before the fabrication of your dental bridge.